M+ Alliance
Call to Action: Let's put metabolic health and nutrition on the global map.M+ Alliance – Advancing Metabolic Health and Nutrition
Declaration of Principles
At a time when global metabolic health and food security have reached critical levels of concern, international cooperation and collaboration are essential. We need to establish a systemic framework to address metabolic health and nutrition at a global level. An effective alliance supporting action globally and locally is essential to provide the impetus for change. The ever-rising prevalence of chronic metabolic disease across the globe is alarming, with negative impacts on health, economies, and populations at risk. No one organization, company, or country can solve this problem alone.
We must develop an alliance of forward-thinking leaders from multiple sectors. We must educate and forge policies, practices, and programs that can be embraced and propagated with strategies that engage multiple sectors: consumer, industry, health, and government. There is an opportunity to look beyond lines of division to unite around common goals and actions that benefit human and environmental health. Given the convergence of chronic and communicable diseases affecting global health, key stakeholders must address food security by fostering positive nutrition and metabolic health.
The M+ Alliance aims at bringing together institutions and advocates who believe that strong and effective multilateral cooperation based on common principles of sustainable nutrition is essential.
Nutritious, metabolically supportive, safe, affordable, and accessible food is fundamental to sustainable global security and health.
We envision a world where metabolic health and nutrition are embraced by all sectors.
The M+ Alliance embraces three streams of action:
- Science: To promote and grow the field of metabolic health, including nutrition research, practice, and education.
- Policy: To assess and promulgate policy initiatives for adoption in various sectors, including healthcare, government, NGOs, and industry.
- Action: To advocate and encourage specific actions advancing metabolic health and nutrition across multiple sectors.
Participation and Membership
The M+ Alliance invites all sectors, governments, institutions, and individuals who support the mission and principles of this alliance. The M+ Alliance is not intended as a formal institution but as a consortium allowing for the constitution of flexible issue-based coalitions formed around specific projects or initiatives related to science, policy, and action outcomes. Engagement in a specific initiative does not entail automatic participation in all initiatives pursued in the framework of the M+ Alliance. Participation in the M+ Alliance remains open to all who share its vision.
Principles of Action
- The M+ Alliance revolves around concrete initiatives to reach its objectives and facilitates results-based partnerships.
- The M+ Alliance will advance a multilateral agenda in full respect of the vital role of the existing NGOs and leaders actively advancing the link between metabolic health and sustainable nutrition.
- The M+ Alliance will relate its work to relevant United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
- The M+ Alliance will adopt a multi-stakeholder approach and reach out to diverse members of the international community, international organizations, regional institutions, and other relevant actors as essential and active partners.
- Members of the M+ Alliance are committed to protecting, developing, and adapting internationally respected rules of order and will maintain respect for the integrity and value of each sector of stakeholders participating.
- Members of the M+ Alliance will work together to take and support initiatives that feed into the three streams of action referred to above and organize meetings to pursue and broaden their collective efforts. All members of the M+ Alliance will communicate and share progress made individually or collectively toward the alliance’s objectives.
The Central Organizing Committee of the M+ Alliance will maintain all aspects of administering the alliance, with yearly calls for new leadership to participate in the alliance’s governance.
We, the following signatories, affirm our conviction that metabolic health and nutrition are fundamentally linked and declare our participation in the M+ Alliance:
- Robert H. Lustig Research Foundation
- Hypoglycemia Support Foundation
- Perfact Corporation
- RxSugar®
- Accessia Health
- American Nutrition Association
- Pediatric Resilience
- Eat Real
- Nutrition Coalition
- Eating for Your Health
- The Detox Project
- Nutritious Minds
- Quit Sugar Summit
- Sugar Addiction.Com
- Food Specialties Limited (FSL)
- MalibuMylk
- Nubocha
- Brain Health Initiative
- Dr. Stephanie Peabody
- Dr. Uma Pisharody
- Dr. Mark Cucuzzella
- Dr. Ann M. Childers
- Dr. Joan Ifland
- Dr. Robert Lustig
- Dr. Rachel Gow
- Dr. Andreas Kornstädt
More to be announced soon!